Publications and Presentations
Publications and Presentations
Modern MIDI
This book takes a modern look at the use of Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) in today's modern world and explores what has changed and what remains the same since it premiered in 1983. My contribution focused on the technical aspect of the MIDI specification and what remains consistent from application to application.
Audio Engineering Society (AES): Professional Certifications Place in Higher Education
In the field of audio, there is really only one main body/organization for all things audio and that is the Audio Engineering Society (AES). In 2013, my paper, "Professional Certification’s Place in Higher Education" was accepted for the AES 50th International Conference in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. It was a great and rare privilege to be able to be accepted again for this peer reviewed paper and present for an international audience in Tennessee. My first AES presentation, on digital audio watermarks for AES forensic audio, was in Denver, Colorado which was just before accepting this teaching position at Shenandoah University in 2006. At the conclusion of the Tennessee conference, where all attendees were gathered for a final panel discussion, I was also one of four people to address the AES on “Accreditation, Certification, and Licensure: A Place in Audio Education?”
Failures in Outlet Testing Exposed
This article exposes problematic wiring that could be detrimental to studios, lethal, and is difficult to detect by standard electrician outlet testers. The article received a lot of comments and forum thread posts due to the dangers it exposed in electrical testing equipment. This is a topic I taught about in MUPP 350 - Basic Electronics, and was nice to finally have published in a major magazine.
The reverse polarity bootleg ground.